Google Ad Grants Is Offering You $10,000 Per Month To Grow Your Charity Quickly

How much money does your charity spend on advertising at the moment?

I’m guessing it’s quite a lot because you need to spend money to raise money, so how would you feel if Google offered you $10,000 per month to use on AdWords thanks to their new Ad Grants initiative?

Think about how many businesses already use Google to promote ads every month. It’s the biggest search engine in the world, so spending money on ads will guarantee they get seen by their target market.

For-profit businesses have to pay for their ads, but you’ll be able to grow your charity for free.

Specific Ways You Can Grow Your Charity

If you’re accepted into the Ad Grants program, here are a few creative ways you can use your free ad spend to grow your charity:

Find New Donators

Trying to find new donators is tough when you limit yourself to traditional offline methods. You can always raise more money by asking volunteers and paid workers to stand on street corners, which is a very effective way to raise money, but your ability to scale quickly will only increase due to the power of the internet.

When you target the right people using AdWords, you’ll be able to get your message out to hundreds of thousands of potential donators every month with a few clicks of a button. Send them to a targeted page on your website, and new donations will start pouring in throughout the month.

Recruiting New Volunteers

As we mentioned before, asking volunteers to stand on the street is a great way to raise money. In fact, there are hundreds of different ways lovely volunteers with time to donate can take your charity to the next level, helping countless people in the process.

The only difficult part is finding volunteers in the first place. There are ways to do it locally where you can build up your army of volunteers one by one, but advertising on Google will help you reach a much larger audience instantly in places you want to target.

Building Brand Awareness

Sometimes people aren’t always ready to pull their credit card out, which is fine and they’re entitled to ignore your message. At the same time, the majority of people won’t have time to volunteer when you ask them to help out.

It’s absolutely crucial that you don’t let them forget about you, because eventually everyone will want to donate money or volunteer for a good cause. By taking advantage of Ad Grants, you’ll be able to build up brand awareness for your charity, and you’ll always be top of mind when someone is ready to take action.

The Biggest Problems You’ll Face

I know you must be excited because Google Ad Grants seems like an amazing opportunity, but it’s very easy to burn through $10,000 per month without anything to show for it if you don’t know what you’re doing.

You want to make every penny count, and that is why charities should always hire a professional to manage their AdWords account for them. With the right person looking after your account, you’ll:

Maximize Your ROI

If your AdWords account is fully optimised, you’ll achieve a maximum return on your investment. I know you’re technically not investing any money because Google is handing you free money, but you’ll still suffer from opportunity cost.

To achieve all the benefits we’ve laid out, and to grow your charity bigger than anything you could have imagined, you don’t want to waste a single click because it’s the same as throwing money away.

Free Up Your Time

You’re not an AdWords expert, so you might not realise it takes years to master the platform. If you wanted to learn everything on your own it would take a very long time, so by getting an expert to run your campaigns you won’t need to learn a thing.

Even if you did know how to use AdWords, I’m sure there must be more pressing issues you need to deal with on a daily basis. When you hand over the reigns to a professional you’ll free up hours each day to work on other areas inside your charity.

Monitoring Of Campaigns

Once a campaign has been set up, it’s only the beginning. Each campaign has to be monitored closely, and it needs to be tweaked constantly to keep it fully optimised. Anything could go wrong, and things need to be changed as soon as possible to improve your ad spend.

Setting up a campaign that maximizes your ROI is only the beginning. To keep multiple campaigns running smoothly, you need a professional with experience in reacting to feedback as soon as they sense a problem.

We’ll Help Your Charity Prosper

With years of AdWords experience under our belt, we can offer you a professional solution that will help you use your Google Ad Grants money as effectively as possible.

We enjoy nothing more than helping charities reach their full potential, and we appreciate the great job you are doing at the moment to make the world a better place. Please get in touch with us if you’d like to explore this amazing opportunity further.

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