Look at the millions of quizzes online and you’ll see.

..people LOVE learning more about ONE subject in particular (Me, Myself, and I!)

According to TIME Inc, 40% of the words we say in our lives are about ourselves.

From Buzzfeed quizzes about what type of cheese you are to more “serious” assessments like the Kolbe and Strengthsfinder…

Quizzes give us insight into our strengths and weaknesses.

However, quizzes can ALSO be a great way to drive a huge amount of leads and sales.

But only when you do them right.

So it makes sense to learn from the best in the world.

Ryan Levesque, the best-selling author of ASK and Choose, is the expert when it comes to building quizzes.

He has just built a brand new quiz that will tell you, in 2 minutes or less…

What Type of “Funnel” is Right for Your Business.

See, based on your type of Business, Industry, Product, and Price Point of what you’re selling…

There are 27+ DIFFERENT marketing funnels that could be right for you.

This 10 Question Quiz will not only tell you WHICH funnel is right for YOUR business, Ryan will ALSO give you a funnel Template diagramming your funnel.

PLUS a Real Life Case Study to see an example of this exact type of funnel in action!



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