Pinterest Vs. Instagram: A 4-point Analysis.

Here’s a shocker to most Internet marketers and entrepreneurs.  


Pinterest is far superior for marketing than Instagram, and when you know what you’re doing it can produce an almost endless supply of FREE and very targeted traffic for your offers.  


Let me prove it.  


I recently learned about 4 reasons that this bold statement is actually a fact. I am going to share these with you now, and also invite you to watch this FREE training that will go into so much more detail:

Difference 1 – Clicks

Instagram is owned by Facebook and Facebook does as much as it can to keep people on its websites. Fact is, FB has built one of the most profitable companies in the world by selling your (and my) attention and eyeballs to advertisers.


The whole culture of Pinterest is linking AWAY from their site. In fact, in this training you’ll discover how to link directly from Pinterest to your sales pages, opt-in pages, ecommerce listings, affiliate offers and blogs and/ or podcasts.  


Literally, with Pinterest, you can generate traffic and send it to just about anywhere you want. 


Advantage: Pinterest


Difference 2 – Targeted Traffic 

Instagram absolutely does have a larger number of people on the platform when compared with Pinterest.  


Instagram has about 1 Billion users, versus the 250 Million on Pinterest.  


But who cares when Instagram makes it extremely difficult to get clicks?  


Volume of traffic means nothing unless YOU are benefiting. And the way Pinterest is set up, it can generate targeted clicks from people who are already interested in your niche or subject matter and many of them have a high buyer intent.  


Advantage: Pinterest


Difference 3 – Longevity

According to an article on WebFX, who crunched the numbers on the longevity of social media posts, they found… 


The half life of a Tweet is 24 minutes.

The half life of a Facebook post is 90 minutes. 

The half life of a LinkedIn post is 24 hours.

The half life of an Instagram post is 48 hours. 

The half life of a Pinterest pin is 3 ½ months!


In fact, the presenters you will meet on this training have had pins that have driven traffic to their website for over 7 years!


Their experience will show that you get the most benefit (in traffic), from the least amount of effort posting – aka pinning – on Pinterest.


Advantage: Pinterest (By a lot)


Difference 4 – Motivation

When people browse Instagram, they’re often there to explore a bit, look at their friends or artists profiles, and they generally go there to relax. 


So it’s very much a “personal brand” kind of platform… think of your Kim Kardashians of the world.  


Pinterest, on the other hand, is where people start planning to do things. 


They make shopping lists, save pins for future purchases, and can easily be taken to other websites. 


If you have a personal brand and don’t really plan to sell anything other than that, then Instagram may be better for you.


If you sell any kind of physical products, training programs or have a business you’d rather promote, then Pinterest is your best bet and you’ll discover how easy it is, during this training:


Pinterest (For Products) 

Instagram (For Personal Brands) 


So, if you’re interested in the best way to use Pinterest to grow your business and you want to see how it all works, then this training is for you.

This just scratches the surface of the marketing power behind Pinterest… There’s actually sooo much more… like how to use Pinterest to set up multiple passive income streams that work day and night without any further attention from you… and YES they’ll be covering some of those strategies too.